Rating Rationale
July 10, 2024 | Mumbai
Samvardhana Motherson International Limited
Long-term rating upgraded to 'CRISIL AAA/Stable'; Short-term rating reaffirmed
Rating Action
Total Bank Loan Facilities RatedRs.200 Crore
Long Term RatingCRISIL AAA/Stable (Upgraded from 'CRISIL AA+/Positive')
Short Term RatingCRISIL A1+ (Reaffirmed)
Rs.1500 Crore Non Convertible DebenturesCRISIL AAA/Stable (Upgraded from 'CRISIL AA+/Positive')
Corporate Credit RatingCRISIL AAA/Stable (Upgraded from 'CRISIL AA+/Positive')
Note: None of the Directors on CRISIL Ratings Limited’s Board are members of rating committee and thus do not participate in discussion or assignment of any ratings. The Board of Directors also does not discuss any ratings at its meetings.
1 crore = 10 million
Refer to Annexure for Details of Instruments & Bank Facilities

Detailed Rationale

CRISIL Ratings has upgraded its rating on the long-term bank facilities, non-convertible debentures and corporate credit rating of Samvardhana Motherson International Ltd (SAMIL) to ‘CRISIL AAA/Stable’ from ‘CRISIL AA+/Positive’ and has reaffirmed its ‘CRISIL A1+’ rating on the short-term bank facilities of the company.


The upgrade reflects SAMIL's consistently improving scale of operations, established market position in the automotive (auto) components industry, its diversified revenue profile across customers, geographies and product segments, healthy relationships with global original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and strong execution track record of successful turnaround of overseas acquired entities while maintaining healthy operating efficiency. The ratings also reflect the company’s healthy financial profile -- depicted by net debt (On balance sheet debt minus CRISIL adjusted cash and cash equivalents) to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (Ebitda) expected to remain below 1.1 times, lower than the expected 1.1-1.5 times, over the medium term. It is also aided by well-spaced out repayment obligations and superior liquidity profile.


Revenue (net of throughput revenue) is expected to grow by 15-20% year-on-year (y-o-y) this fiscal and cross the Rs 1 lakh crore mark, after a 25% y-o-y growth last fiscal. This will be driven by healthy sales growth in the auto components division on the back of a strong orderbook, expansion of the non-auto segments and full year impact of acquisitions closed in last and current fiscal years. Additionally, as the company continues to grow in scale, it will maintain its focus on diversification of revenue to achieve its 3CX10 strategy i.e. no customer, component or country to contribute more than 10% of overall revenue. Except for Mercdes Benz (which contributes 11%), no customer currently contributes more than 10% of its revenue, while no component contributes more than 28% of its overall revenue and no country contributes more than 21% of its overall revenue, thereby reducing concentration risk for the company.


Operating profitability is expected to remain range bound but healthy at 9-10% this fiscal and over the medium term, after a 150 basis points (bps) increase in margins to 9.2% in fiscal 2024. The continued improvement in margin is on account of ramp up of the newer capacities, better operating leverage and successful integration of acquisitions resulting in increased synergies. Resultantly, return on capital employed (RoCE) has improved from Covid-19 pandemic-impacted fiscals 2021 to 2022, to 10.3% in fiscal 2023 and 16.8% in fiscal 2024, which will further improve over the medium term.           


Going ahead, SAMIL is expected to continue its OEM-guided acquisition strategy and will undertake merger and acquisition (M&A) activities. However, based on established track record of acquisitions of SAMIL, the acquisitions are expected to be driven by customer requirement with prudent funding philosophy. Additionally, with focus on organic expansion, SAMIL is expected to undertake annual capital expenditure (capex) of Rs ~5,000 crore over the medium term.


Despite these plans, improvement in profitability leading to higher cash accrual should reduce dependence on debt for acquisitions and capex. Hence, CRISIL adjusted net debt/Ebtida -- which improved to 1.13 times in fiscal 2024 from 1.23 times in fiscal 2023 -- will remain below 1.1 times going ahead.


Additionally, other debt protection metrics are also expected to improve over the medium term. Interest coverage ratio of 5.0 times and net cash accrual to adjusted debt (NCA/AD) ratio of 0.35 time in fiscal 2024 is expected to improve to 6.0-7.5 times and 0.40-0.55 time, respectively, in the ongoing and next fiscals. Total outside liabilities to tangible networth (TOL/TNW) ratio too will see an improvement from 2.47 times in fiscal 2024 to below 2.2 times (though elevated as TOL includes the working capital needs for the throughput revenue and networth adjustments due to amortisation of goodwill as mentioned in the analytical approach) over the medium term.


However, any significant debt-funded acquisition will remain a key monitorable. Liquidity has been superior, with CRISIL adjusted cash and cash equivalent of Rs 7,085 crore as on March 31, 2024. Strong cash accrual of over Rs 7,000-9,000 crore per annum should be sufficient to meet the yearly repayment obligation of Rs 3,000-6,000 crore.


These strengths are partially offset by aggressive acquisition-led growth philosophy and exposure to cyclicality in demand in the global auto industry.

Analytical Approach

CRISIL Ratings has combined the business and financial risk profiles of SAMIL and its subsidiaries, including Samvardhana Motherson Automotive Systems Group B V (SMRP BV), collectively referred to as the Motherson group due to the operational and financial linkages among the entities.


CRISIL Ratings in its analytical approach has amortised the goodwill generated on acquisition of PKC over a period of five years (from April 2017 to March 2022). From fiscal 2023, entire goodwill has been knocked off from the networth.


CRISIL Ratings has also in its analytical approach amortised the goodwill generated on acquisition of SAS Autosystemtechnik GmbH over a period of five years (from April 2024 to March 2029). From fiscal 2030, entire goodwill has been knocked off from the networth.


Please refer Annexure - List of Entities Consolidated, which captures the list of entities considered and their analytical treatment of consolidation.

Key Rating Drivers & Detailed Description


  • Established market position in the automotive components industry: SAMIL has an established market position and is amongst the world's largest manufacturers of exterior rear-view mirrors with dominant market share and is a leading global player in polymer-based interior and exterior modules. Its market position is further supported by increasing market share in the premium segment in the polymers division in bumpers, instrument panels and door panels. The group is also the largest manufacturer of wiring harnesses for passenger vehicles in India. PKC (acquired in April 2017) has a dominant market share in North American and European heavy truck market. Recently completed acquisitions -- such as Yachiyo Industry and Dr Schneider -- have also globally strengthened its position in modules and polymer segments and with SAS Autosystemtechnik marked its entry as Tier 0.5 supplier in integrated assemblies. 


SAMIL’s business risk profile is further supported by the synergies within various business segments, its strong in-house research and development capabilities and long-term technical collaborations with Sumitomo Wiring Systems Ltd (SWS) and other joint venture (JV) partners.


  • Diversified revenue profile across customers, geographies and product segments: SAMIL has, over the years, significantly diversified its revenue profile through acquisitions. Ramp up of performance of acquired entities has helped the group in establishing a global presence across key product segments.


Further, SAMIL’s customer and geographic diversity has been improving with its focus on increasing content per car. The healthy customer diversity helped SAMIL withstand slowdown in demand multiple times in the past. SAMIL's geographic diversity has also been improving, with exposure to its largest market, Europe, reducing to around 37% in fiscal 2024 from 44% in fiscal 2018 and exposure to Asia Pacific, North America and South America simultaneously increasing. Product diversity has also continued to improve with no component contributing more than 28% of its overall revenue.


Global light vehicle sales growth is expected to remain flat this fiscal in Europe while the Indian auto component industry is expected to grow 8-10% in fiscal 2025, driven by healthy demand from OEMs. This is also expected to lead to similar revenue growth at SAMIL, which derived around 37% of its revenue from Europe, 21% from India, 18% from USA while remaining from the rest of the world in fiscal 2024. Furthermore, SAMIL plans to increase share of non-auto business over the next five years in identified segments such as aerospace, logistics, health and medical and technological and industrial solutions through organic and inorganic routes.


CRISIL Ratings believes that SAMIL will continue to benefit from its diversified customer profile and strong order book, which will enable it to register better-than-industry growth over the medium term.


  • Healthy relationships with global OEMs: Over the years, SAMIL has forged healthy relationship with major global OEMs owing to its focus on quality and delivery. The group benefits from a sustained inflow of new orders from OEMs, primarily in its major divisions, modules and polymers, wiring harness, vision systems and integrated assemblies evidenced by its automotive booked business of USD 83.9 billion on March 31,2024.


SAMIL has a well-diversified global client base in the passenger and commercial vehicles industry. Its customers include leading global OEMs such as VWG and its group companies, Mercedes-Benz Group AG (rated A/Stable/A-1’ by S&P Global Ratings), Hyundai Motor Co (rated 'BBB+/Positive' by S&P Global Ratings), Maruti Suzuki India Ltd ('CRISIL AAA/Stable/CRISIL A1+'), Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW ' rated 'A/Stable/A-1' by S&P Global Ratings), Nissan Motor Co. Ltd (rated 'BB+/Stable' by S&P Global Ratings), Renault S A (rated 'BB+/Stable/B' by S&P Global Ratings), Stellantis N.V. (rated 'BBb+/Stable' by S&P Global Ratings), Paccar Inc (rated 'A+/Stable/A1' by S&P Global Ratings), Ford Motor Company (rated 'BBB-/Stable' by S&P Global Ratings), General Motors Company (rated 'BBB/Stable' by S&P Global Ratings) and Scania AB (rated BBB/Stable/A-2' by S&P Global Ratings), among others.


  • Strong execution track record of successful turnaround of, and ramp up of utilisation levels at overseas acquired entities: SAMIL has a track record of acquiring distressed companies and turning around their operations in a short span of time. The 43 acquisitions from fiscal 2002 till date have improved its geographical and product profiles, apart from being its growth driver. SAMIL has also successfully integrated and stabilised the operations of the acquired entities.


Over the medium term, operating profitability is expected to remain range bound but healthy at 9-10%, after a 150-bps increase in margin to 9.2% last fiscal. The continued improvement in margin is on account of ramp up of the newer capacities, better operating leverage and successful integration of acquisition, resulting in increased synergies. Resultantly, return on capital employed (RoCE) has improved from Covid-19 pandemic-impacted fiscals 2021 to 2022, to 10.3% in fiscal 2023 and 16.8% in fiscal 2024, which will further improve over the medium term.              


  • Healthy financial risk profile by well-spaced out repayment obligations and strong liquidity: While the group has funded its acquisitions through a combination of debt, equity and cash accrual, it has also prudently ensured its debt obligations are well spaced out, besides also consistently working on lowering the cost of debt. For instance, the group has replaced high cost debt with longer tenure Euro and USD denominated debt at competitive rates over the past five years.


The company’s long-term repayment obligation stands at around Rs 3,000-6,000 crore per year over the medium term, which is expected to either be refinanced or met out of cash accrual projected at more than Rs 7,000-9,000 crore per year over the medium term.


With the company’s focus on capital expansion, SAMIL is expected to undertake annual capex of Rs ~5,000 crore and is expected to continue to undertake M&A-related activities over the medium term. Despite these plans, improvement in profitability leading to higher cash accrual should reduce dependence on debt for acquisitions and capex. Therefore, debt protection metrics are expected to improve over the medium term. Interest coverage ratio and NCA/AD ratio -- which were 5.0 times and 0.35 time respectively in fiscal 2024 -- is expected to improve to 6.0-7.5 times and 0.4-0.55 time, respectively, over the ongoing and next fiscals. Leverage ratio too will see an improvement with net debt/Ebitda and TOL/TNW improving from 1.13 times and 2.47 times respectively in fiscal 2024 to remain below 1.1 times and 2.2 times (though elevated as TOL includes the working capital needs for the throughput revenue and networth adjustments due to amortisation of goodwill as mentioned in the analytical approach) respectively over the medium term. Additionally, interest coverage ratio -- which had moderated from 7.78 times in fiscal 2023 to 5.03 times in fiscal 2024 due to higher gross debt and peak interest rates due to interest rate hikes -- will see gradual improvement to 6.3-6.5 times in fiscal 2025 and 7.3-7.5 times in fiscal 2026. However, any significant, debt-funded acquisition will continue to be a key monitorable.



  • Exposure to cyclicality in demand in global automobile industry: While SAMIL's revenue profile benefits from good geographic, customer and product diversity, it remains closely aligned to the performance of key geographies and customers. Due to dependence on large global OEMs, SAMIL's business prospects are exposed to cyclical demand patterns inherent to the global automobile industry and ability of the OEMs to sustain their operating performance. Additionally, delay in ramp up of new capacities due to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic weakened the overall operating profitability in fiscal 2019 and during the first nine months of fiscal 2020.


  • Aggressive acquisition-led growth strategy: SAMIL has demonstrated high growth through number of acquisitions since 2002. This has resulted in higher diversification in revenue profile and improved scale of operations. However, with continuation of its aggressive growth policy, SAMIL is exposed to the risk of impact on debt protection metrics due to higher-than-expected debt-funded acquisitions and risk associated with acquiring distressed businesses and integrating acquisitions with SAMIL which are in different line of business.


However, the risk is partially mitigated by strong track record to turnaround distressed businesses that have been acquired by SAMIL and the company’s philosophy to acquire companies driven by customers’ requirement and a prudent funding philosophy. The management believes in not breaching the 2.5 net debt to EBTIDA mark, and if it is breaches the same, it shall be reinstated to previous levels within a period of 12 months.

Liquidity: Superior

CRISIL adjusted cash and cash equivalents stood at around 7,085 crore on March 31, 2024 at consolidated level (mainly in overseas subsidiaries). Fund-based working capital limit of Rs 1,647 crore with more than 85% unutilised on an average for the 12 months ended May 31, 2024.


The company’s long-term repayment obligation stand at around Rs 3,000-6,000 crore per year over the medium term. The company has a track record of refinancing of higher cost debt at lower rates in the past. Over medium term, cash accrual is expected to remain above Rs 7,000-9,000 crore, which is expected to be sufficient for repayments. Material acquisitions and funding philosophy will continue to remain monitorable.

Outlook: Stable

CRISIL Ratings believes that SAMIL's credit risk profile is driven by strong business risk profile with increase in scale and continued diversification of the revenue profile. Financial risk profile will remain strong, driven by substantial networth and strong liquidity.

Rating Sensitivity factors

Downward factors

  • Higher-than-expected debt-funded acquisitions/capex leading to significant deterioration in key credit metrics; for instance, Net debt/Ebitda increases beyond 1.5 times on a sustained basis
  • Significant and sustained decline in revenue and/or profitability; for instance, operating margin weakening below 6% for a prolonged time
  • Sharp deterioration in liquidity


ESG Profile of SAMIL

CRISIL Ratings believes that Samvardhana Motherson International Limited’s (SAMIL) environment, social, and governance (ESG) profile of SAMIL supports its already strong credit risk profile.


The auto component sector has a moderate impact on the environment owing to moderate emissions, water consumption and waste generation. The sector’s social impact is also moderate considering the impact of operational activities on the company’s own employees.


The company is focusing on mitigating environmental and social risks.


Key ESG highlights

  • SAMIL has set the target of being carbon net zero across all current global operations by 2040.
  • Share of energy from renewal sources was about 10.5% in fiscal 2023.
  • The company aims to implement water preservation measures at all its facilities across current global operations by 2030.
  • SAMIL conducts monthly and quarterly audits to maintain a high standard of safety
  • The governance structure is characterised by 50% of its board comprising independent directors. Position of the chairman and CEO are split. It has an investor grievance cell.


There is growing importance of ESG among investors and lenders. The commitment of SAMIL to ESG principles will play a key role in enhancing stakeholder confidence, given the high share of market borrowing in its overall debt and access to both domestic and foreign capital markets.

About the Company

SAMIL (formerly Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd [erstwhile MSSL]), the flagship company of the group, was incorporated as a JV between erstwhile Samvardhana Motherson International Ltd (erstwhile SAMIL) and SWS in 1986.


On July 02, 2020, board of directors of erstwhile MSSL and erstwhile SAMIL have approved reorganisation of business which entails demerger of the domestic wiring harness business from erstwhile MSSL into a new company, with similar shareholding structure as that of MSSL and subsequent merger of erstwhile SAMIL into erstwhile MSSL with the merged entity renamed as SAMIL. SAMIL now holds 100% stake in Samvardhana Motherson Automotive Systems Group BV. Besides, SAMIL also holds 33.4% stake in the demerged DWH business housed under newly created entity Motherson Sumi Wiring Harness  Ltd subsequent to completion of the transaction.

Key Financial Indicators (CRISIL Ratings-adjusted financials)









Profit After Tax (PAT)




PAT Margin




Adjusted debt/adjusted networth




Interest coverage




Any other information: Not Applicable

Note on complexity levels of the rated instrument:
CRISIL Ratings` complexity levels are assigned to various types of financial instruments and are included (where applicable) in the 'Annexure - Details of Instrument' in this Rating Rationale.

CRISIL Ratings will disclose complexity level for all securities - including those that are yet to be placed - based on available information. The complexity level for instruments may be updated, where required, in the rating rationale published subsequent to the issuance of the instrument when details on such features are available.

For more details on the CRISIL Ratings` complexity levels please visit www.crisilratings.com. Users may also call the Customer Service Helpdesk with queries on specific instruments.

Annexure - Details of Instrument(s)

ISIN Name of instrument Date of allotment Coupon rate (%) Maturity date Issue size (Rs.Crore) Complexity Rating assigned with outlook
NA Fund-based facilities% NA NA NA 100 NA CRISIL AAA/Stable
NA Non-fund-based limit%% NA NA NA 100 NA CRISIL A1+
INE775A08097 Non-convertible debentures 04-Oct-2023 8.10% 04-Oct-2028 1500 Simple CRISIL AAA/Stable

%Interchangeable with CC/WCL/CP

%%Interchangeable with CC/BG and CEL Limits

Annexure - List of Entities Consolidated

Names of entities consolidated

Extent of consolidation

Rationale for consolidation

MSSL Mauritius Holdings Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Electrical Wires Lanka Private Limited


Full consolidation

MSSL Mideast (FZE)


Full consolidation

MSSL (S) Pte Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Innovations Tech Limited (formerly MSSL Automobile Component Limited)


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Polymers Limited (Merged with Samvardhana Motherson International Limited w.e.f. November 21, 2023)


Full consolidation

MSSL (GB) Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Wiring System (FZE)


Full consolidation

MSSL Tooling (FZE)


Full consolidation



Full consolidation

MSSL Advanced Polymers s.r.o.


Full consolidation

Motherson Air Travel Agency GmbH (formerly known as Motherson Techno Precision GmbH)


Full consolidation

MSSL Germany Real Estate B.V. & Co. KG


Full consolidation

MSSL s.r.l. Unipersonale


Full consolidation

Motherson Techno Precision México, S.A. de C.V


Full consolidation

Motherson Air Travel Pvt Ltd


Full consolidation

MSSL Australia Pty Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Elastomers Pty Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Investments Pty Limited


Full consolidation

MSSL Ireland Private Limited


Full consolidation

MSSL Global RSA Module Engineering Limited


Full consolidation

MSSL Japan Limited


Full consolidation

Vacuform 2000 (Proprietary) Limited


Full consolidation

MSSL México, S.A. De C.V.


Full consolidation

MSSL WH System (Thailand) Co., Ltd


Full consolidation

MSSL Korea WH Limited


Full consolidation

MSSL Consolidated Inc.


Full consolidation

MSSL Wiring System Inc


Full consolidation

Alphabet de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.


Full consolidation

Alphabet de Mexico de Monclova, S.A. de C.V.


Full consolidation

Alphabet de Saltillo, S.A. de C.V.


Full consolidation

MSSL Wirings Juarez, S.A. de C.V.


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Global Holdings Ltd.


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Automotive Systems Group B.V. (SMRPBV)


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Reflectec Group Holdings Limited (SMR)


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Technology Holding Cyprus Limited


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Mirror Parts and Holdings UK Ltd


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Holding Hong Kong Limited


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Systems India Limited


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Systems France S.A.


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Mirror Technology Holding Hungary KFT


Full consolidation

SMR Patents S.à.r.l.


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Technology Valencia S.A.U.


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Mirrors UK Limited


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Mirror International USA Inc.


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Systems USA Inc.


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Beijing Company Limited


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Yancheng Co. Limited


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Mirror Systems Holding Deutschland GmbH


Full consolidation

SMR Holding Australia Pty Limited


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Australia Pty Limited


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Mirror Technology Hungary BT


Full consolidation

Motherson Business Service Hungary Kft.


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Modules Korea Ltd.


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Beteiligungen Deutschland GmbH


Full consolidation

SMR Hyosang Automotive Ltd.


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Mirrors Stuttgart GmbH


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Systems Spain S.A.U.


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Vision Systems Mexico S.A. de C.V.


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Corp Management Shanghai Co Ltd.


Full consolidation

SMR Grundbesitz GmbH & Co. KG


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Brasil Ltda.


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive System (Thailand) Limited


Full consolidation

SMR Automotives Systems Macedonia Dooel Skopje


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Operations Japan K.K.


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive (Langfang) Co. Ltd


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Vision System Operations USA INC


Full consolidation

SMR Mirror UK Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Innovations Company Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Innovations Deutschland GmbH


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Global (FZE)


Full consolidation

SMR Automotive Industries RUS Limited Liability Company


Full consolidation

Re-time Pty Limited


Full consolidation

SMR Plast Met Molds and Tools Turkey Kalıp İmalat Anonim Sirketi


Full consolidation

SMR Plast Met Automotive Tec Turkey Plastik İmalat Anonim Şirketi


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Peguform GmbH (SMP)


Full consolidation

SMP Automotive Interiors (Beijing) Co. Ltd.


Full consolidation

SMP Deutschland GmbH


Full consolidation

SMP Logistik Service GmbH


Full consolidation

SMP Automotive Solutions Slovakia s.r.o.


Full consolidation

Changchun Peguform Automotive Plastics Technology Co., Ltd.


Full consolidation

Foshan Peguform Automotive Plastics Technology Co. Ltd.


Full consolidation

Tianjin SMP Automotive Component Company Limited


Full consolidation

Shenyang SMP Automotive Trim Co., Ltd


Full consolidation

SMP Automotive Technology Iberica S.L.


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Peguform Barcelona S.L.U


Full consolidation

SMP Automotive Technologies Teruel Sociedad Limitada


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Peguform Automotive Technology Portugal S.A.


Full consolidation

SMP Automotive Systems Mexico S.A. de C.V.


Full consolidation

SMP Automotive Produtos Automotivos do Brasil Ltda.


Full consolidation

SMP Automotive Exterior GmbH


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Innovative Autosystems B.V. & Co. KG


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Innovative Autosystems Holding Company BV


Full consolidation

SM Real Estate GmbH


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Innovative Autosystems de México, S.A. de C.V.


Full consolidation

SMP Automotive Systems Alabama Inc.


Full consolidation

Celulosa Fabril (Cefa) S.A.


Full consolidation

Modulos Ribera Alta S.L.Unipersonal


Full consolidation

Motherson Innovations Lights GmbH & Co KG


Full consolidation

Motherson Innovations Lights Verwaltungs GmbH


Full consolidation

Zhaoqing SMP Automotive Co., Ltd.


Full consolidation

SMP D Real Estates B.V. & Co. KG


Full consolidation

SMP Automotive Ex Real Estate B.V. & Co. KG


Full consolidation

SMP Automotive Interior Modules d.o.o. Ćuprija


Full consolidation

MSSL Estonia WH OÜ


Full consolidation

PKC Group Oy


Full consolidation

PKC Wiring Systems Oy


Full consolidation

PKC Group Poland Sp. z o.o.


Full consolidation

PKC Wiring Systems Llc


Full consolidation

PKC Group APAC Limited


Full consolidation

PKC Group Canada Inc.


Full consolidation

PKC Group USA Inc.


Full consolidation

PKC Group Mexico S.A. de C.V.


Full consolidation

Project del Holding S.a.r.l.


Full consolidation

PK Cables do Brasil Ltda


Full consolidation

PKC Eesti AS


Full consolidation

TKV-sarjat Oy


Full consolidation

Motherson Rolling Stocks S. de R.L. de C.V.


Full consolidation

PKC SEGU Systemelektrik GmbH


Full consolidation

Groclin Luxembourg S.à r.l.


Full consolidation

PKC Vehicle Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.


Full consolidation



Full consolidation

PKC Group Lithuania UAB


Full consolidation

PKC Group Poland Holding Sp. z o.o.


Full consolidation



Full consolidation

Kabel-Technik-Polska Sp. z o.o.


Full consolidation

T.I.C.S. Corporation


Full consolidation

AEES Power Systems Limited partnership


Full consolidation

Fortitude Industries Inc.


Full consolidation

AEES Manufactuera, S. De R.L de C.V.


Full consolidation

Cableodos del Norte II, S. de R.L de C.V.


Full consolidation

Manufacturas de Componentes Electricos de Mexico S. de R.L de C.V.


Full consolidation

Arneses y Accesorios de México, S. de R.L de C.V.


Full consolidation

Asesoria Mexicana Empresarial, S. de R.L de C.V.


Full consolidation

Arneses de Ciudad Juarez, S. de R.L de C.V.


Full consolidation

PKC Group de Piedras Negras, S. de R.L. de C.V.


Full consolidation

PKC Group AEES Commercial S. de R.L de C.V


Full consolidation

Jiangsu Huakai-PKC Wire Harness Co., Ltd.


Full consolidation

PKC Vechicle Technology (Hefei) Co, Ltd.


Full consolidation

PKC Vehicle Technology (Fuyang) Co., Ltd.


Full consolidation

Shangdong Huakai-PKC Wire Harness Co., Ltd.


Full consolidation

Jilin Huakai - PKC Wire Harness Co. Ltd.


Full consolidation

Motherson PKC Harness Systems FZ-LLC


Full consolidation

Wisetime Oy


Full consolidation

Global Environment Management (FZC)


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Holdings Netherlands B.V.


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotives Techno Minority Holdings B.V.


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Modules France SAS


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Reydel Automotive Parts Holding Spain, S.L.U.


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Interiors Spain S.L.U.


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Interior Modules Croatia d.o.o


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Reydel Autotecc Morocco SAS


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Technology RU LLC


Full consolidation

SMRC Smart Interior Systems Germany GmbH


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Solutions Slovakia s.r.o.


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Holding South America B.V.


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Modules South America Minority Holdings B.V.


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Tech Argentina S.A.


Full consolidation

SMRC Fabricacao e Comercio de Produtos Automotivos do Brasil Ltda


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Products India Limited


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Smart Interior Tech (Thailand) Ltd.


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Interiors Japan Ltd.


Full consolidation

Shanghai SMRC Automotive Interiors Tech Consulting Co. Ltd.


Full consolidation

PT SMRC Automotive Technology Indonesia


Full consolidation

Yujin SMRC Automotive Techno Corp.


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotives Technology Phil Inc.


Full consolidation

Motherson Consultancies Service Limited (Merged with Samvardhana Motherson International Limited w.e.f. November 21, 2023)


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Finance Service Cyprus Limited


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Holding (M) Private Limited


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Auto Component Private Limited


Full consolidation

MS Global India Automotive Private Limited (Merged with Samvardhana Motherson International Limited w.e.f. November 21, 2023)


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Maadhyam International Limited


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Global Carriers Limited


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Innovative Solutions Limited


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Refrigeration Product Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Machinery and Automations Limited


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Auto System Private Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Sintermetal Technology B.V.


Full consolidation

Motherson Invenzen XLab Private Limited (Merged with Samvardhana Motherson International Limited w.e.f. November 21, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson Technology Services Limited (formerly known as MothersonSumi Infotech & Designs Limited)


Full consolidation

Motherson Technology Services USA Limited  (formerly known as MSID U.S. Inc.)


Full consolidation

Motherson Technology Services Gmbh (Formerly known as MothersonSumi Infotech And Designs Gmbh)


Full consolidation

Motherson Technology Services SG PTE. Limited (formerly known as MothersonSumi INfotech and Designs SG Pte. Ltd.)


Full consolidation

Motherson Technology Services Kabushiki Gaisha(formerly known as MothersonSumi INfotech & Designs K.K.)


Full consolidation

Motherson Technology Service Mid East FZ-LLC (Formerly known as Motherson Infotek Designs Mid East FZ-LLC)


Full consolidation

Motherson Technology Services United Kingdom Limited ( Formerly known as MothersonSumi Infotech & Solutions UK Limited)


Full consolidation

Motherson Auto Engineering Service Limited


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Health Solutions Limited


Full consolidation

SMI Consulting Technologies Inc.


Full consolidation

Motherson Technology Services Spain S.L.U. (Formerly known as Motherson Information Technologies Spain S.L.U.)


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Virtual Analysis Limited


Full consolidation

SAKS Ancillaries Limited


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Hamakyorex Engineered Logistics Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Techno Tools Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Techno Tools Mideast FZE


Full consolidation

Motherson Molds and Diecasting Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Air Travel Agencies Limited


Full consolidation

CTM India Limited


Full consolidation

Fritzmeier Motherson Cabin Engineering Private Limited (became subsidiary w.e.f. March 20, 2023)


Full consolidation

CIM Tools Private Limited


Full consolidation

Aero Treatment Private Limited


Full consolidation

Motherson Automotive Giken Industries Corp Ltd.


Full consolidation

Motherson Electronic Components Pvt. Ltd


Full consolidation

Motherson Innovations LLC  (liquidated w.e.f June 09, 2022)


Full consolidation

Motherson Ossia Innovations llc. (liquidated w.e.f June 09, 2022)


Full consolidation

Shenyang SMP Automotive Plastic Component Co. Ltd. (liquidated w.e.f March 20, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson Rolling Stock Systems GB Limited (liquidated w.e.f. 26.01.2023)


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Invest Deutschland GmbH (merged with MSSL GmbH w.e.f. September 06, 2022)


Full consolidation

Motherson Air Travel Agency GmbH (merged with Motherson Techno Precision GmbH w.e.f. September 09, 2022)


Full consolidation

SMRC Automotive Holdings B.V. (merged with SMRC Automotive Holdings Netherlands B.V. w.e.f. April 01, 2022)


Full consolidation

MSSL Manufacturing Hungary Kft (Merged with SMR Automotive Mirror Technology Hungary BT w.e.f. October 01, 2022)


Full consolidation

Youngshin Motherson Auto Tech Limited( became subsidiary w.e.f. April 17,2023)


Full consolidation

Saddles International Automotive and Aviation Interiors Private Limited(acquired on  July 13, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson SAS Automotive Systems and Technologies Slovakia s.r.o.( Earlier known as SAS Automotive s.r.o., Slovakia)(acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson SAS Automotive Service Czechia s.r.o. (formerly SAS Autosystemtechnik s.r.o.)  (acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson SAS Automotive Parts and Modules Foshan Co., Ltd., China (Incorporated on February 29, 2024)


Full consolidation

Sas Automotive USA Inc.(acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson SAS Automotive Services Spain, S.A (formerly SAS Autosystemtechnik S.A.).(acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Sas Automotive Systems S.A. De C.V.(acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson Sequencing and Assembly Services GmbH (formerly SAS Autosystemtechnik GmbH) (acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Sas Automotive Systems (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.(acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson SAS Automotive Modules De Portugal Unipessoal, Lda.(formerly SAS Autosystemtechnik de Portugal Unipessoal LDA.)(acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson SAS Automotive Service and Module Systems Rennes S.A.S.U (Formerly known as Cockpit Automotive Systems S.A.S.U. )(acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Sas Automotriz Argentina S.A.(acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

SAS Otosistem Teknik Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi(acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson SAS Automotive Service France S.A.S.U. (formerly known as SAS Automotive France S.A.S.U.)(acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Sas Automotive Do Brazil Ltda.(acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson Sequencing and Assembly Services Global Group GmbH (formerly SAS Autosystemtechnik Verwaltungs GmbH)(acquired on July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Rollon Hydraulics Private Limited (acquired on  July 31, 2023)


Full consolidation

Misato Industries Co., Ltd.(acquired on August 1, 2023)


Full consolidation

Centro especial de empleo de Motherson DRSC Picassent, S.L.U. (formerly Centro Especial de Empleo Dr. Schneider Sociedad Limitada, Spain)  (acquired on October 2, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson DRSC Modules S.A.U.(acquired on October 2, 2023)


Full consolidation

Dr. Schneider Automotive Parts Liaoyang Co. Ltd., China(acquired on October 2, 2023)


Full consolidation

Dr. Schneider Automotive Polska Sp. zo.o., Poland (acquired on October 2, 2023)


Full consolidation

Dr. Schneider Automotive Systems Inc., USA (acquired on October 2, 2023)


Full consolidation

Dr. Schneider Automotive Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., China (acquired on October 2, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson Deltacarb Advanced Metal Solutions SA (formerly Deltacarb SA)Acquired on December 15, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson Electroplating US LLC(incorporated on September 11, 2023)


Full consolidation

Motherson Group Investments USA Inc., USA(Incorporated on October 5, 2023)


Full consolidation

PKC Real Estate Germany B.V. & Co. KG(Incorporated on  November 23, 2023)


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Adsys Tech Limited (Acquired on December 20, 2023)


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson Electric Vehicles L.L.C, Abu Dhabi (Incorporated on October 12, 2023)


Full consolidation

SM Real Estates Germany B.V. & Co. KG(Incorporated on  November 23, 2023)


Full consolidation

SMR Real Estate Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG(Incorporated on  November 23, 2023)


Full consolidation

CEFA Poland s.p.Z.o.o. (Incorporated on  March 22, 2024)


Full consolidation

Samvardhana Motherson International Leasing IFSC Limited(Incorporated on  March 29, 2024)


Full consolidation

Yachiyo India Manufacturing Private Limited (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

Yachiyo Industry Co., Ltd. (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

Yachiyo Manufacturing of America, LLC (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

AY Manufacturing Ltd. (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

SiamYachiyo Co., Ltd. (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

Yachiyo Wuhan Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

Yachiyo of OntarioManufacturing, Inc. (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

Yachiyo Germany GmbH (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

Yachiyo MexicoManufacturing S.A. de C.V. (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

PT. Yachiyo Trimitra Indonesia (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

Yachiyo of America, Inc. (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

Yachiyo Zhongshan Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

Yachiyo Do Brasil Industria E Comercio De Pecas Ltda. (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

US Yachiyo, Inc. (Acquired on March 26, 2024)


Full consolidation

Prysm Displays (India) Private Limited(Acquired on March 28, 2024)


Full consolidation




Motherson Sumi Wiring India Limited

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Kyungshin  Industrial Motherson Private Limited

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Calsonic Kansei Motherson Auto Products Private Limited

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Ningbo SMR Huaxiang Automotive Mirrors Co. Limited (indirectly through Subsidiary)

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Chongqing SMR Huaxiang Automotive Products Limited (indirectly through Subsidiary)

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Tianjin SMR Huaxiang Automotive Part Co. Limited (indirectly through Subsidiary)

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Nanchang JMCG SMR Huaxiang Mirror Co. Ltd (indirectly through Subsidiary)

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Eissmann SMP Automotive Interieur Slovensko s.r.o  (indirectly through Subsidiary)

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Anest Iwata Motherson Coating Equipment Private Limited (merged with Anest Iwata Motherson Private Limited w.e.f. November 6, 2023)

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Anest Iwata Motherson Private Limited

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Valeo Motherson Thermal Commercial Vehicles India Limited

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Matsui Technologies India Limited

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Frigel Intelligent Cooling Systems India Private Limited

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Fritzmeier Motherson Cabin Engineering Private Limited (became subsidiary w.e.f. March 20, 2023)

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Nissin Advanced Coating Indo Co. Private Limited

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Motherson Bergstrom HVAC Solutions Private Limited

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Marelli Motherson Automotive Lighting India Private Ltd.

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Motherson Auto Solutions Limited

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Marelli Motherson Auto Suspension Parts Pvt Ltd

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Youngshin Motherson Auto Tech Limited (became subsidiary w.e.f. April 17, 2023)

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Lauak CIM Aerospace Private Limited (indirectly through Subsidiary)

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation

Wuxi SMR Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. (acquired on August 1, 2023 through Subsidiary)

Joint Venture

Proportionate consolidation




Hubei Zhengao PKC Automotive Wiring Company Ltd. (indirectly through subsidiary)


Proportionate consolidation

AES (India) Engineering Limited


Proportionate consolidation

Annexure - Rating History for last 3 Years
  Current 2024 (History) 2023  2022  2021  Start of 2021
Instrument Type Outstanding Amount Rating Date Rating Date Rating Date Rating Date Rating Rating
Fund Based Facilities LT 100.0 CRISIL AAA/Stable   -- 15-12-23 CRISIL AA+/Positive 23-12-22 CRISIL AA+/Stable 16-04-21 CRISIL AA+/Stable / CRISIL A1+ CRISIL AA+/Negative / CRISIL A1+
      --   -- 25-09-23 CRISIL AA+/Positive 02-02-22 CRISIL AA+/Stable / CRISIL A1+ 26-02-21 CRISIL AA+/Stable / CRISIL A1+ --
      --   -- 24-02-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable   --   -- --
Non-Fund Based Facilities ST 100.0 CRISIL A1+   -- 15-12-23 CRISIL A1+ 23-12-22 CRISIL A1+ 16-04-21 CRISIL A1+ CRISIL A1+
      --   -- 25-09-23 CRISIL A1+ 02-02-22 CRISIL A1+ 26-02-21 CRISIL A1+ --
      --   -- 24-02-23 CRISIL A1+   --   -- --
Corporate Credit Rating LT 0.0 CRISIL AAA/Stable   -- 15-12-23 CRISIL AA+/Positive 23-12-22 CRISIL AA+/Stable   -- --
      --   -- 25-09-23 CRISIL AA+/Positive   --   -- --
      --   -- 24-02-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable   --   -- --
Commercial Paper ST   --   --   -- 23-12-22 Withdrawn 16-04-21 CRISIL A1+ CRISIL A1+
      --   --   -- 02-02-22 CRISIL A1+ 26-02-21 CRISIL A1+ --
Non Convertible Debentures LT 1500.0 CRISIL AAA/Stable   -- 15-12-23 CRISIL AA+/Positive 23-12-22 Withdrawn   -- --
      --   -- 25-09-23 CRISIL AA+/Positive 02-02-22 CRISIL AA+/Stable   -- --
All amounts are in Rs.Cr.
Annexure - Details of Bank Lenders & Facilities
Facility Amount (Rs.Crore) Name of Lender Rating
Fund-Based Facilities& 100 State Bank of India CRISIL AAA/Stable
Non-Fund Based Limit^ 100 State Bank of India CRISIL A1+
& - Interchangeable with CC/WCL/CP
^ - Interchangeable with CC/BG and CEL Limits
Criteria Details
Links to related criteria
CRISILs Approach to Financial Ratios
CRISILs Bank Loan Ratings - process, scale and default recognition
Rating criteria for manufaturing and service sector companies
Rating Criteria for Auto Component Suppliers
CRISILs Criteria for Consolidation
CRISILs Criteria for rating short term debt

Media Relations
Analytical Contacts
Customer Service Helpdesk

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Media Relations
CRISIL Limited
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Media Relations
CRISIL Limited
M: +91 98678 68976
B: +91 22 3342 3000

Rutuja Gaikwad 
Media Relations
CRISIL Limited
B: +91 22 3342 3000

Mohit Makhija
Senior Director
CRISIL Ratings Limited
B:+91 124 672 2000

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CRISIL Ratings Limited
B:+91 124 672 2000

Gauri Gupta
CRISIL Ratings Limited
B:+91 22 3342 3000
Timings: 10.00 am to 7.00 pm
Toll free Number:1800 267 1301

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This rating rationale is transmitted to you for the sole purpose of dissemination through your newspaper/magazine/agency. The rating rationale may be used by you in full or in part without changing the meaning or context thereof but with due credit to CRISIL Ratings. However, CRISIL Ratings alone has the sole right of distribution (whether directly or indirectly) of its rationales for consideration or otherwise through any media including websites and portals.

About CRISIL Ratings Limited (A subsidiary of CRISIL Limited, an S&P Global Company)

CRISIL Ratings pioneered the concept of credit rating in India in 1987. With a tradition of independence, analytical rigour and innovation, we set the standards in the credit rating business. We rate the entire range of debt instruments, such as bank loans, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, non-convertible/convertible/partially convertible bonds and debentures, perpetual bonds, bank hybrid capital instruments, asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities, partial guarantees and other structured debt instruments. We have rated over 33,000 large and mid-scale corporates and financial institutions. We have also instituted several innovations in India in the rating business, including ratings for municipal bonds, partially guaranteed instruments and infrastructure investment trusts (InvITs).
CRISIL Ratings Limited ('CRISIL Ratings') is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CRISIL Limited ('CRISIL'). CRISIL Ratings Limited is registered in India as a credit rating agency with the Securities and Exchange Board of India ("SEBI").
For more information, visit www.crisilratings.com 


About CRISIL Limited

CRISIL is a leading, agile and innovative global analytics company driven by its mission of making markets function better. 

It is India’s foremost provider of ratings, data, research, analytics and solutions with a strong track record of growth, culture of innovation, and global footprint.

It has delivered independent opinions, actionable insights, and efficient solutions to over 100,000 customers through businesses that operate from India, the US, the UK, Argentina, Poland, China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

It is majority owned by S&P Global Inc, a leading provider of transparent and independent ratings, benchmarks, analytics and data to the capital and commodity markets worldwide.

For more information, visit www.crisil.com


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This disclaimer is part of and applies to each credit rating report and/or credit rating rationale ('report') provided by CRISIL Ratings Limited ('CRISIL Ratings'). For the avoidance of doubt, the term 'report' includes the information, ratings and other content forming part of the report. The report is intended for use only within the jurisdiction of India. This report does not constitute an offer of services. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, nothing in the report is to be construed as CRISIL Ratings provision or intention to provide any services in jurisdictions where CRISIL Ratings does not have the necessary licenses and/or registration to carry out its business activities. Access or use of this report does not create a client relationship between CRISIL Ratings and the user.

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CRISIL Ratings and its associates do not act as a fiduciary. The report is based on the information believed to be reliable as of the date it is published, CRISIL Ratings does not perform an audit or undertake due diligence or independent verification of any information it receives and/or relies on for preparation of the report. THE REPORT IS PROVIDED ON “AS IS” BASIS. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAWS, CRISIL RATINGS DISCLAIMS WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, ERROR-FREE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, NON-INTERRUPTION, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR INTENDED USAGE. In no event shall CRISIL Ratings, its associates, third-party providers, as well as their directors, officers, shareholders, employees or agents be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, special or consequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees or losses (including, without limitation, lost income or lost profits and opportunity costs) in connection with any use of any part of the report even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

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CRISIL Ratings or its associates may have other commercial transactions with the entity to which the report pertains or its associates. Ratings are subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by CRISIL Ratings. CRISIL Ratings may receive compensation for its ratings and certain credit-related analyses, normally from issuers or underwriters of the instruments, facilities, securities or from obligors.

CRISIL Ratings has in place a ratings code of conduct and policies for managing conflict of interest. For more detail, please refer to: https://www.crisil.com/en/home/our-businesses/ratings/regulatory-disclosures/highlighted-policies.html.  Public ratings and analysis by CRISIL Ratings, as are required to be disclosed under the Securities and Exchange Board of India regulations (and other applicable regulations, if any), are made available on its websites, www.crisilratings.com and https://www.ratingsanalytica.com (free of charge). CRISIL Ratings shall not have the obligation to update the information in the CRISIL Ratings report following its publication although CRISIL Ratings may disseminate its opinion and/or analysis. Reports with more detail and additional information may be available for subscription at a fee.  Rating criteria by CRISIL Ratings are available on the CRISIL Ratings website, www.crisilratings.com. For the latest rating information on any company rated by CRISIL Ratings, you may contact the CRISIL Ratings desk at crisilratingdesk@crisil.com, or at (0091) 1800 267 1301. 


CRISIL Ratings uses the prefix 'PP-MLD' for the ratings of principal-protected market-linked debentures (PPMLD) with effect from November 1, 2011, to comply with the SEBI circular, "Guidelines for Issue and Listing of Structured Products/Market Linked Debentures". The revision in rating symbols for PPMLDs should not be construed as a change in the rating of the subject instrument. For details on CRISIL Ratings' use of 'PP-MLD' please refer to the notes to Rating scale for Debt Instruments and Structured Finance Instruments at the following link: https://www.crisilratings.com/en/home/our-business/ratings/credit-ratings-scale.html